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TBISD PD Jurisdiction


The Tom Bean ISD Police Department’s primary jurisdiction has been determined by the Tom Bean ISD Board of Trustees and is defined as:

All territory within the geographical bounderies of the District and all property, real or personal, outside the geographical boundaries of the District that is owned, leased, rented, or otheriwse under the District’s control.

This “primary jurisdiction” allows officers of the Tom Bean ISD Police Department to trael with students, or school groups, to other venues and provide police services, within the State of Texas.  When outisde the Tom Bean ISD district boundaries, the primary function of the Tom Bean ISD Police will be to secure the safety of Tom Bean ISD students, staff, and Tom Bean ISD property.  Officers may also perform duties required of Texas Peace Officers when they are required by Texas state law.


Peace officers employed by the District have the same authority, powers, privileges, and immunities as bestowed on all Texas peace officers while on or off duty.  In addition, peace officers employed by the District will be full time paid police officers and appointed as such.  The District will NOT employee or appoint part-time paid police officers.

This jurisdiction and authority meets the State of Texas guidelines set forth within the Texas Education Code 37.081.